About Me

Northfield, Minnesota, United States
In 2000 composer Justin Merritt (bn.1975) was the youngest-ever winner of the ASCAP Foundation/Rudolph Nissim Award for Janus Mask for Orchestra. He is also the winner of many other awards including the 2006 Polyphonos Prize, the 2000 Left Coast Chamber Ensemble Composition Competition Award for The Day Florestan Murdered Magister Raro and the 2001 Kuttner String Quartet Competition for Ravening. Other works include music for orchestra, ballet, and opera. He has also worked as composer and musical director in dozens of theater productions, ranging from Shakespeare to DaDa. Justin is an Assistant Professor of Music Composition & Theory at St. Olaf College. He received his Bachelors in Music from Trinity University and a Masters and Doctorate in Music from Indiana University. He studied composition with Samuel Adler, Sven-David Sandström, Claude Baker, Timothy Kramer, Don Freund, and electronic and computer music with Jeffrey Hass.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Adoro Te Devote (Choral)

for SATB choir a cappella

One of the five hymns St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) composed for Pope Urban IV (1261-1264) when he first established the Feast of Corpus Christi in 1264. The hymn is found in the Roman Missal as a prayer of thanksgiving.

ADORO te devote, latens Deitas,
quae sub his figuris vere latitas:
tibi se cor meum totum subiicit,
quia te contemplans totum deficit.

Iesu, quem velatum nunc aspicio,
oro fiat illud quod tam sitio;
ut te revelata cernens facie,
visu sim beatus tuae gloriae.

-St. Thomas Aquinas.

HIDDEN God, devoutly I adore Thee,
truly present underneath these veils:
all my heart subdues itself before Thee,
since it all before Thee faints and fails.

Contemplating, God, Thy hidden presence,
grant me what I thirst for and implore,
in the revelation of Thy essence
to behold Thy glory evermore.

-Translation by John O'Hagan (1822-1890).

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